Saturday, April 30, 2011

VS final preview.

Here's a preview of my visual storytelling final. It's a rough version of my first page (out of 6). I'm missing some details and shading. Not sure if I'll have time to ink and color everything. I think I'll just end up scanning the cleaned up final version and changing the blues to black on Photoshop. I'll hopefully have most of it done by the end of the weekend.

I didn't get time to work on my animation stuff today because I forgot my revision notes at home. A post of my animation in progress will be up tomorrow!

Oh man, I'll be living at Big Bend for most of this weekend. D:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Animation progress!

So far progress has been kinda slow. I have the timing down (I think) for my scene. I have to finish my breakdowns by tomorrow and do a pencil test. And then it's the super fun inbetweening! :[

Only 14 images left to draw for tonight? :/

I probably should not have gone to the beach cleanups this weekend. I got some money out of it but going really did not help my sickness. Sigh. I did get to see some grey whales and dolphins though. That was pretty cool.

I also spent most of the beach cleanup money on food and art supplies. Why is the artist life so expensive?

I'll post my pencil test tomorrow. Please let it turn out okay! >.<

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer job?

Pretty excited. Got a job for the summer!! No more being lazy at home like last summer!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Restaurant scene V1

This is a pose test for my final project in animation. It's pretty rough with just 8 keys. Will be updating with progress in the weeks to come.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sculpture part ??

So here is my final project in sculpture class. This is 2 weeks in (out of 5). I'm making pretty good progress on it considering an hour of my first day was wasted on fixing the armature. Stay tuned as I either mess this up or turn it into something super cool!

I like the side view much more. D:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Color test.

Quick color test for a character in one of my projects. He turned out too bright. I think I'll try blue and purple next.

The claaawwwww.

Duc won me these two things from the claw game at Norm's. I got him another ugly plush (unfortunately not pictured) in return. We would have won more but the machine cheated us.
Here is an ugly picture of the kinda ugly plushes.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I found Waldo!

I found Waldo at the Spectrum yesterday! This was just before I watched Sucker Punch. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

On Friday, my school brought in a kangaroo and serval for the students to look at and draw.

It was pretty damn adorable. It was a cool way to start my Animal Drawing class.

I have been reading a lot lately. I finished reading The Wise Man's Fear, Watership Down, and The Magicians in the past week. The Wise Man's Fear was rather disappointing. The first book had much better pacing and storytelling. Watership Down was even more depressing than I remembered it to be. The Magicians was surprisingly a fun read despite it being way too much like Harry Potter and Narnia.

I am frantically trying to figure out how to finish all my final projects. :/ I have 3 classes where the final project is worth everything. Sighhh...

Time to start and finish my jump animation!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Munny Day at ASW.

Gemma and I bought and painted Munnies at the ASW event today. They had free paint and refreshments set up at Catalyst.

This is my Munny. I intended to make a superhero of some sort. I ended up with a weird gruesome looking zombie instead. D:

I'm going to fix this up over a weekend someday.