Saturday, May 14, 2011

Perspective final.

Here's stuff from my perspective final. I did scenes based on a book called Redwall.

I should really fix the fence to correct the perspective on the road. >_>

I wish I had more time to for the stone walls.

Unfortunately boring composition but I like what I did with the dead rats.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer break.

Summer break has been pretty good so far. I am finally feeling like I am caught up on sleep. I've spent some quality time with friends outside of school and spent way too much money.

Here's a picture of a funny-looking Thor plush Vicky won for me with one of those claw games.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finally free~

I'm finally done with finals! It actually feels weird to not have class and projects. I am looking forward to catching up on sleep, hanging out with friends, going karaoke, and completing personal projects. I also can't wait to work again. Time to save up for my Japan fund! :]

I am going to miss you crazy LCAD kids (those of you that I can't see over the summer).

Here's a random picture from my last beach cleanup. I got a lot of compliments on my silly kite.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sculpture final.

I had my last day of sculpture class two days ago. My project turned out pretty okay. The teacher seemed to like it and told me I should continue doing sculpture. Not sure if I have time or money for it, but it's something I'm definitely interested in. Why can't I just major in everything? Anyway, here are some photos taken with my terrible cellphone camera.

End result for a 5 week pose. Roughly 12 hours spent on this (I missed a day of class).

Haha, notice how the lighting changes because of my terrible camera.

I'm going to be going to the local library to check out some books on lions. I really hope I manage to turn in a good animal drawing project tomorrow.

Just two more to go!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Visual storytelling final finished!

Finally finished my visual storytelling project. It took many tiring hours and I'm not satisfied with the last two pages. I had to rush at the end and details are missing. I like it overall though (and hopefully so did my classmates). This was originally done in blue col-erase pencil and on manga paper. The scanned version doesn't quite look as nice as the originals. I'll probably fix some panels and ink it over the summer. Here's the scanned greyscaled version.

Now I have to revise an essay and work on animal drawing. Seems like there's no end to all these final projects. :[

Three down and three more to go!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Animation final preview.

Had to retime my animation final and pretty much started over. This is from hours ago before I did the breakdowns and inbetweens. Still super rough. I will be posting a more finished version later.

Version 1

Retime version

This still needs a lot of work, but I'm getting closer on the timing!

Oh man, so tired from these 10+ hour work days. Why do I do this to myself every finals week? :[
I got a lot done today though. I got to page 5 of the comic and finished most of the details for the previous pages. I also made good progress on the animation. Just 30-40 something more inbetweens and adding of the arms and facial features to go~~!

Next post will most likely have the rest of the comic pages.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

VS final preview part 2.

I got to my third page in the project today. I'm about 50% done with everything. I am making good progress on this (while neglecting other projects) but still unsure whether to ink everything or not. Here are some not so-great-scans of my work in progress.

Tomorrow will be animation day. x_x

Finals, I am going to kick you in the face!