Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fall art #2!

Old artwork from my figure drawing class.

These first two are done from short poses.

This is an unfinished one of a 3 hour pose.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fall art #1

Just some stuff from my Drawing 1 class last semester.

This was my final project that I really should have spent more time on. :[ Finals week was a bad time to get sick.

I no longer hate using charcoal. Thanks Jeff. :]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Arty Gras!

Things from Art Gras at ASW last weekend! I had a lot of fun doing art outside of school projects for once.

I painted a square for some collaborative project. People were invited to paint a cardboard square which was glued to a piece of canvas. I left early so I didn't get to see the completed projected with all the squares glued on. I wish I had taken a better picture of this. I used a lot of colors to paint with (which don't show up so great using my cellphone camera).

Duct tape wallet. This was so stressful to make. Duct tape and scissors are not the greatest materials to work with. I'm about 90% done with it. Not sure what to do with the cover at the moment.

Inside of the duct tape wallet. The green is a better shade in real life.

The next three are from dropping paint on canvas squares spinning super fast. I think they turned out neat. I like the last one the most.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A work in progress.

A rough scan of my work in progress for Visual Storytelling. This particular assignment was to create a tear sheet of characters and environments from my story. I'll update with my inked version when I get a chance to touch it up a bit. I'll probably add some color this weekend.

So many projects to do and so little time. :[ The next few weeks are going to be rough for sure. I really should have done more homework over spring break.

Oh yeah, I have other things I should update the blog with. Hm, now where's my camera...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coyote Part II.

This is what Sunday nights are all about.

I'm going to fix the tongue during spring break.


Well this has been a most unproductive weekend. Hanging out with friends, Tactics Ogre, Star BBQ, and Pokemon...

It's gonna be a rough night tonight! :[

Will update in whenever I get around to finishing it all. Booooooo.