I should really fix the fence to correct the perspective on the road. >_>

I wish I had more time to for the stone walls.

Unfortunately boring composition but I like what I did with the dead rats.
Fuck. Tactics Ogre is out and it is fucking awesome.
There’s a high probability of my life being ruined.
Things are picking up in my animation classes! I’m learning how to do inbetweens and how to animate pose-to-pose. I’m also making good progress on my story and characters. I haven’t ditched a single class yet and I’m all caught up on homework. Off to a great start~! I’ll post my characters when I find time to scan them in.
I really should adopt a more consistent sleeping schedule. I haven’t had a full night’s rest in a few days now. :/ Damn you PSP emulators.
I got to hang out with new friends and old friends, finished my first animation project, discovered a new restaurant called Taiko, played video games, went to L.A., and rekindled my love for Tetris.
I had a good weekend. :]
I really, really, really hate it when companies use hi-tack adhesive to stick labels to their products. You sit there and carefully peel back the label. Shit. You jiggled your arm a bit and tore the label. Sticky residue ALL OVER the product you paid for. What the hell companies?
I have a 4in by 4in square of sticky residue on the front of my sketchbook. How am I going to clean this?
I finally went to the optometrist today. My new pair of glasses look a lot like my old ones. Hah.
Got a new pen and sketchbook today. Now I am ready to take notes and draw in class!
English words are spelled funny. Sometimes I’ll be typing something up and do a double take because a word I’m trying to spell correctly looks odd. Good thing I have spellcheck on.
Got assigned my first animation assignment today. It’s the super basic bouncing ball. How should I make it interesting? Hmmm… maybe it’ll turn into a dog at the end.I will update with the animation when I am done with it. :]
Man, what’s up with prescription glasses being so expensive? Maybe it’s just Lenscrafter’s? The prices are unbelievable. :/ Time to find a cheap Asian place to get new glasses at.
I think this is the first time my head has hurt from learning so much in a class. I love visual storytelling. :]
What a weird feeling.
I’m really enjoying this class. :D
My animation supplies came today. I’m not sure where I am putting this all. Guess it’s time to set up my desk/workspace.
I had my sculpting class today. Standing for 4 hours is killer for my back.
It feels really weird to wake up early for school again. :[ 7:30AM is way to early to be awake.
I need a jobbbbb. Animation supplies are expensive. :/
I miss a lot of people.
Hacked my Kindle today. Now I can use my own pictures as screensavers!!
Got a few more PSP games to play. I stopped playing Invizimals after 16 hours. Still looking for that perfect game to play though. Tactics Ogre, why aren’t you out yet?
Note to self: Look at zoo ticket prices.
Animal Drawing, Pictionary, Cranium, friends, and lots of silliness.
And now I’m playing the PSP and Flight of the Conchords to finish the night. Turned out to be a pretty good day afterall. :D
I had my first animation class today. Learned a lot and watched Toy Story. I laughed at all the bad puns.
I can’t wait for Animal Drawing on Friday~
Lots of drawing, sculpting, watching movies, and the one liberal arts class. I have a good feeling this semester is going to be better.
Things that occupy my time. Clockwise from top left: reading on my Amazon Kindle, unpacking (found my old painting! :D), and playing Invizimals on the PSP. Not shown: Reddit.
I can’t believe I’ve played the game for so long. It’s not even fun. D: