Saturday, May 14, 2011

Perspective final.

Here's stuff from my perspective final. I did scenes based on a book called Redwall.

I should really fix the fence to correct the perspective on the road. >_>

I wish I had more time to for the stone walls.

Unfortunately boring composition but I like what I did with the dead rats.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer break.

Summer break has been pretty good so far. I am finally feeling like I am caught up on sleep. I've spent some quality time with friends outside of school and spent way too much money.

Here's a picture of a funny-looking Thor plush Vicky won for me with one of those claw games.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finally free~

I'm finally done with finals! It actually feels weird to not have class and projects. I am looking forward to catching up on sleep, hanging out with friends, going karaoke, and completing personal projects. I also can't wait to work again. Time to save up for my Japan fund! :]

I am going to miss you crazy LCAD kids (those of you that I can't see over the summer).

Here's a random picture from my last beach cleanup. I got a lot of compliments on my silly kite.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sculpture final.

I had my last day of sculpture class two days ago. My project turned out pretty okay. The teacher seemed to like it and told me I should continue doing sculpture. Not sure if I have time or money for it, but it's something I'm definitely interested in. Why can't I just major in everything? Anyway, here are some photos taken with my terrible cellphone camera.

End result for a 5 week pose. Roughly 12 hours spent on this (I missed a day of class).

Haha, notice how the lighting changes because of my terrible camera.

I'm going to be going to the local library to check out some books on lions. I really hope I manage to turn in a good animal drawing project tomorrow.

Just two more to go!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Visual storytelling final finished!

Finally finished my visual storytelling project. It took many tiring hours and I'm not satisfied with the last two pages. I had to rush at the end and details are missing. I like it overall though (and hopefully so did my classmates). This was originally done in blue col-erase pencil and on manga paper. The scanned version doesn't quite look as nice as the originals. I'll probably fix some panels and ink it over the summer. Here's the scanned greyscaled version.

Now I have to revise an essay and work on animal drawing. Seems like there's no end to all these final projects. :[

Three down and three more to go!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Animation final preview.

Had to retime my animation final and pretty much started over. This is from hours ago before I did the breakdowns and inbetweens. Still super rough. I will be posting a more finished version later.

Version 1

Retime version

This still needs a lot of work, but I'm getting closer on the timing!

Oh man, so tired from these 10+ hour work days. Why do I do this to myself every finals week? :[
I got a lot done today though. I got to page 5 of the comic and finished most of the details for the previous pages. I also made good progress on the animation. Just 30-40 something more inbetweens and adding of the arms and facial features to go~~!

Next post will most likely have the rest of the comic pages.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

VS final preview part 2.

I got to my third page in the project today. I'm about 50% done with everything. I am making good progress on this (while neglecting other projects) but still unsure whether to ink everything or not. Here are some not so-great-scans of my work in progress.

Tomorrow will be animation day. x_x

Finals, I am going to kick you in the face!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

VS final preview.

Here's a preview of my visual storytelling final. It's a rough version of my first page (out of 6). I'm missing some details and shading. Not sure if I'll have time to ink and color everything. I think I'll just end up scanning the cleaned up final version and changing the blues to black on Photoshop. I'll hopefully have most of it done by the end of the weekend.

I didn't get time to work on my animation stuff today because I forgot my revision notes at home. A post of my animation in progress will be up tomorrow!

Oh man, I'll be living at Big Bend for most of this weekend. D:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Animation progress!

So far progress has been kinda slow. I have the timing down (I think) for my scene. I have to finish my breakdowns by tomorrow and do a pencil test. And then it's the super fun inbetweening! :[

Only 14 images left to draw for tonight? :/

I probably should not have gone to the beach cleanups this weekend. I got some money out of it but going really did not help my sickness. Sigh. I did get to see some grey whales and dolphins though. That was pretty cool.

I also spent most of the beach cleanup money on food and art supplies. Why is the artist life so expensive?

I'll post my pencil test tomorrow. Please let it turn out okay! >.<

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer job?

Pretty excited. Got a job for the summer!! No more being lazy at home like last summer!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Restaurant scene V1

This is a pose test for my final project in animation. It's pretty rough with just 8 keys. Will be updating with progress in the weeks to come.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sculpture part ??

So here is my final project in sculpture class. This is 2 weeks in (out of 5). I'm making pretty good progress on it considering an hour of my first day was wasted on fixing the armature. Stay tuned as I either mess this up or turn it into something super cool!

I like the side view much more. D:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Color test.

Quick color test for a character in one of my projects. He turned out too bright. I think I'll try blue and purple next.

The claaawwwww.

Duc won me these two things from the claw game at Norm's. I got him another ugly plush (unfortunately not pictured) in return. We would have won more but the machine cheated us.
Here is an ugly picture of the kinda ugly plushes.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I found Waldo!

I found Waldo at the Spectrum yesterday! This was just before I watched Sucker Punch. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

On Friday, my school brought in a kangaroo and serval for the students to look at and draw.

It was pretty damn adorable. It was a cool way to start my Animal Drawing class.

I have been reading a lot lately. I finished reading The Wise Man's Fear, Watership Down, and The Magicians in the past week. The Wise Man's Fear was rather disappointing. The first book had much better pacing and storytelling. Watership Down was even more depressing than I remembered it to be. The Magicians was surprisingly a fun read despite it being way too much like Harry Potter and Narnia.

I am frantically trying to figure out how to finish all my final projects. :/ I have 3 classes where the final project is worth everything. Sighhh...

Time to start and finish my jump animation!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Munny Day at ASW.

Gemma and I bought and painted Munnies at the ASW event today. They had free paint and refreshments set up at Catalyst.

This is my Munny. I intended to make a superhero of some sort. I ended up with a weird gruesome looking zombie instead. D:

I'm going to fix this up over a weekend someday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fall art #2!

Old artwork from my figure drawing class.

These first two are done from short poses.

This is an unfinished one of a 3 hour pose.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fall art #1

Just some stuff from my Drawing 1 class last semester.

This was my final project that I really should have spent more time on. :[ Finals week was a bad time to get sick.

I no longer hate using charcoal. Thanks Jeff. :]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Arty Gras!

Things from Art Gras at ASW last weekend! I had a lot of fun doing art outside of school projects for once.

I painted a square for some collaborative project. People were invited to paint a cardboard square which was glued to a piece of canvas. I left early so I didn't get to see the completed projected with all the squares glued on. I wish I had taken a better picture of this. I used a lot of colors to paint with (which don't show up so great using my cellphone camera).

Duct tape wallet. This was so stressful to make. Duct tape and scissors are not the greatest materials to work with. I'm about 90% done with it. Not sure what to do with the cover at the moment.

Inside of the duct tape wallet. The green is a better shade in real life.

The next three are from dropping paint on canvas squares spinning super fast. I think they turned out neat. I like the last one the most.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A work in progress.

A rough scan of my work in progress for Visual Storytelling. This particular assignment was to create a tear sheet of characters and environments from my story. I'll update with my inked version when I get a chance to touch it up a bit. I'll probably add some color this weekend.

So many projects to do and so little time. :[ The next few weeks are going to be rough for sure. I really should have done more homework over spring break.

Oh yeah, I have other things I should update the blog with. Hm, now where's my camera...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coyote Part II.

This is what Sunday nights are all about.

I'm going to fix the tongue during spring break.


Well this has been a most unproductive weekend. Hanging out with friends, Tactics Ogre, Star BBQ, and Pokemon...

It's gonna be a rough night tonight! :[

Will update in whenever I get around to finishing it all. Booooooo.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rough Coyote head turn.

This is a super rough pencil test of my in progress Coyote* head turn. I only used maybe 10 frames for this and the timing/spacing is a little off. I'll post again later with a much more complete version. Coyote doesn't have ears, fur, or a tongue for this project. Stay in tune for more next week!

*I do not own this character. Please don't sue me Warner Bros. >___<

Friday, February 25, 2011

The internet is real.

Blows my mind every time I meet someone I know from the internet.

Pretty fun night tonight. In related news, I am as far away from finishing my homework as ever. :[

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old Maya project.

A post of one of my old Maya projects since I'm too lazy to scan in new content.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am so behind on animation homework. Critical Reasoning has laid claim to my free hours tonight but tomorrow's going to be a productive day. I swear it.

I had an embarrassing encounter with the lab tech people yesterday. It's all your fault Sam. >:/

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Project part 1.

The start of a new project. Honda wanted to do an encyclopedia of her friends. I am just going to do the same thing but with less effort. These are some of the guys I know from LCAD. I drew mostly from memory and Honda's helpful(?) descriptions. This proved to be much harder than I expected it to be. None of these really look like who they are supposed to be. :[
Maybe I should draw these out on paper...

Old and new!

One of my perspective scenes from last semester. Someday I will go back and fix the building colors.

The bottom picture is something I did in class for fun today. I intended the green monster to be King Kong at first. Then I thought it looked funny and turned it into a crab. I ended up with a green lizard-like creature. D:

How does one...

How does one stop thinking? I have far too many moments in the day where I wish I could just shut everything off. Meditation does me little good. My thoughts never seem to want to vacate my brain. Sigh.

I have a couple of ideas for personal projects but I don't know where I'll find the time to do any of them. Maybe spring break will be a good time?

Note to self: Ikea, take pics, lightbox.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Self portrait

My self portrait from last semester's figure drawing class that has only gotten discouraging remarks from friends.
Thanks guys.

I keep meaning to go back and fix it but I never find the time or patience to.

The picture on the bottom is a more recent self portrait.

Dear Hegel.

Dear Hegel,
Please stop hurting my head.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Test post.

Xanga, Wordpress, Tumblr, and now Blogger. Let's see if I'll finally stick with one blog.

Visit my Tumblr while I try to move everything over here.

I'll update this blog with some of my projects from last semester when I find the time to.

High Probability

Fuck. Tactics Ogre is out and it is fucking awesome.

There’s a high probability of my life being ruined.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A terrible scan of in progress work for my visual storytelling class. It helps if you view it from a ridiculous angle.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things are picking up!

Things are picking up in my animation classes! I’m learning how to do inbetweens and how to animate pose-to-pose. I’m also making good progress on my story and characters. I haven’t ditched a single class yet and I’m all caught up on homework. Off to a great start~! I’ll post my characters when I find time to scan them in.

I really should adopt a more consistent sleeping schedule. I haven’t had a full night’s rest in a few days now. :/ Damn you PSP emulators.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Good weekend.

I got to hang out with new friends and old friends, finished my first animation project, discovered a new restaurant called Taiko, played video games, went to L.A., and rekindled my love for Tetris.

I had a good weekend. :]

Friday, February 4, 2011

Life changing.

F.lux and Reddit Enhancement suite, where have you been all my life?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lunar New Year!

Stuff my mom put out for New Year’s. I just want to eat the fruit. D:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sticky situation.

I really, really, really hate it when companies use hi-tack adhesive to stick labels to their products. You sit there and carefully peel back the label. Shit. You jiggled your arm a bit and tore the label. Sticky residue ALL OVER the product you paid for. What the hell companies?

I have a 4in by 4in square of sticky residue on the front of my sketchbook. How am I going to clean this?

I finally went to the optometrist today. My new pair of glasses look a lot like my old ones. Hah.

Got a new pen and sketchbook today. Now I am ready to take notes and draw in class!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

English words are spelled funny.

English words are spelled funny. Sometimes I’ll be typing something up and do a double take because a word I’m trying to spell correctly looks odd. Good thing I have spellcheck on.

Got assigned my first animation assignment today. It’s the super basic bouncing ball. How should I make it interesting? Hmmm… maybe it’ll turn into a dog at the end.I will update with the animation when I am done with it. :]

Man, what’s up with prescription glasses being so expensive? Maybe it’s just Lenscrafter’s? The prices are unbelievable. :/ Time to find a cheap Asian place to get new glasses at.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I saw Tangled today! The best Disney movie in a long while I think. It was super cheesy at parts and I didn’t care for a lot of the songs, but it had that old Disney magic.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Animation supplies

My animation supplies that came in the other day. This set me back $200. :[


I think this is the first time my head has hurt from learning so much in a class. I love visual storytelling. :]

What a weird feeling.

I’m really enjoying this class. :D

My animation supplies came today. I’m not sure where I am putting this all. Guess it’s time to set up my desk/workspace.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

School week 2.

I had my sculpting class today. Standing for 4 hours is killer for my back.

It feels really weird to wake up early for school again. :[ 7:30AM is way to early to be awake.

I need a jobbbbb. Animation supplies are expensive. :/

I miss a lot of people.

Hacked my Kindle today. Now I can use my own pictures as screensavers!!

Got a few more PSP games to play. I stopped playing Invizimals after 16 hours. Still looking for that perfect game to play though. Tactics Ogre, why aren’t you out yet?

Note to self: Look at zoo ticket prices.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Animal Drawing, Pictionary, Cranium, friends, and lots of silliness.

And now I’m playing the PSP and Flight of the Conchords to finish the night. Turned out to be a pretty good day afterall. :D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New beginnings.

I had my first animation class today. Learned a lot and watched Toy Story. I laughed at all the bad puns.

I can’t wait for Animal Drawing on Friday~

Lots of drawing, sculpting, watching movies, and the one liberal arts class. I have a good feeling this semester is going to be better.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Metal bending..

A tyranno metal model I completed over winter break. I’m a metal bender!

Things that occupy my time.

Things that occupy my time. Clockwise from top left: reading on my Amazon Kindle, unpacking (found my old painting! :D), and playing Invizimals on the PSP. Not shown: Reddit.

I can’t believe I’ve played the game for so long. It’s not even fun. D:

Sunday, January 16, 2011